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A daily blog that focuses on the film industry and television shows.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Top 10 Movies of 2006

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Reviewing the past year in movies, I assembled a list of the 10 best movies I saw. There are a few surprises, a few letdowns, and some major twists. Here it goes...

  • 1) The Departed............at IMDB
  • 2) Children of Men.........at IMDB
  • 3) The Prestige.............at IMDB
  • 4) Pan's Labyrinth..........at IMDB
  • 5) Apocalypto...............at IMDB
  • 6) Blood Diamond..........at IMDB
  • 7) United 93.................at IMDB
  • 8) Borat......................at IMDB
  • 9) Little Miss Sunshine.....at IMDB
  • 10) 300.................... ...at IMDB
Don't agree? Post your comments on this article or even add your own top 10. Whatever it takes to get your point across.

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"300" Review

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Here it is... my first review on my new blog. Alright, let's get on with it.

Prepare for Glory! The first thing you will notice about this movie is the graphics, specifically the color scheme. The movie is presented in an antique type of style, with the sepia shade and the great contrast.

You will also notice the overwhelming number of visual effects that went into this movie. Fighting in slo-mo never looked better. Some people are hailing this film as the future of film making, due to the fact that almost every shot had some sort of visual effect, but I wouldn't go that far as to say that all movies will be like this in the future.

The acting is good overall. Gerald Butler does a great job playing the rugged King Leonidas, as does Lena Headey playing Queen Gorgo. Nothing incredibly special from anyone else.

The sound is great. Great.

In summation, every element in the movie ties together to create a sprawling, moving piece of art. Don't buy into the major hype though. It's good, but not as good as some might tell you.

I give it a 84 out of 100.

Links: Stills from the movie-here.

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